


Healthy Eating, Healthy Living


You are not you, when you forget to look after yourself. Looking after yourself, is just as important as looking after others. We take a look at stress and anxiety, the importance of a good balance through exercise, diet and switching off for some downtime. Do you find you are often short with others? Or working late in to the evening after dinner?

Do you give your health as much focus as your work? Do you give your relationships as much emphasis as your deadlines? Do you make time for exploring, creating, and traveling, just like you make time for meetings, conference calls, and clients?

Or are you simply spending all of your time at work? 



Handling Workplace Stress


Job stress is the physical and emotional harm that occurs when the requirements of a job do not match the capabilities, resources or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you have?

How to Reduce Stress at Work: 10 Practical Ideas
Here are 10 ways you can reduce stress at work each day. Not all of them will be realistic for your job, but some of them will. Focus on the ones that work for you and forget about the rest.


1. Work in 90–minute sessions.

Studies have discovered that top performers work in approximately 90–minute sessions and then take a break. They focus intensely and then give themselves time to recover and regain energy.

2. Break your day up with exercise.

You're probably aware that exercise reduces stress, and regardless of what exercise you do, the bottom line is this: get out and move.

3. When you leave work, leave work.

We can probably all admit that we are just as guilty as anyone else when it comes to answering work emails at all hours of the day. Try of an evening to ignore your inbox and you will notice something: nothing changes. Give your email a rest for a night or two and see if work is any different the next day. Your time outside of the office should be spent on you and the people you care about, not in your inbox.

4. Do something creative (either at work or outside of it).

Numerous studies have proven that creative pursuits like music, art, and writing reduce stress. Plus, creativity helps you avoid living a short, unimportant life.

5. Job Suitability.

Realise that your job may not be the best option for your personality or with your other responsibilities (such as children, school and medical conditions) and have the confidence to up the CV and go out and look for something else more suitable.

6. Breathe.

It sounds so simple, but we rarely make time in our day to just breathe. The good news is that you can do this anytime, including right now. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Breathe in through your nose for a count of three and out through your mouth for a count of five. Do this 5 times and see how you feel.

7. Leave your desk for lunch.

Give yourself some space and get out of the work environment. There's a reason why people suggest getting a fresh breath of air.

8. Take a short nap.

It is suggested that a 60–minute nap improves memory just as much as a 8–hours of sleep. Short naps of 20 minutes have shown big benefits as well. It is also suggested that occasional napping can lead to a 12% decrease in heart disease and daily napping can lead to a 37% reduction.

9. Take vacation more frequently.

And when you’re on vacation, be on vacation. The emails, phone calls, and presentations can wait.

10. Get to sleep earlier.

We know sleep is beneficial to us. We often feel 'out of sorts' after a bad night's sleep, yet ready to take on anything after a good night's sleep. Make a conscious effort to go to bed at a decent time on a week day.



Your Diet


Your mental health and wellbeing are important. Did you know a few simple dietary changes may boost cognitive function and reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders?

One of the best ways to improve your mental health is through your gut. Like your brain, the gut has its own nervous system, which sends information to the brain. Just as the brain impacts the gut, what we put in our gut can impact the functioning of the brain. Here are four food groups that keep the mind working at its best:


Omega-3 fatty acids

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, seaweed, chicken fed on flaxseed and walnuts, have been shown to reduce symptoms of schizophrenia, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other mental disorders. This is likely because of the effect omega-3s have on the production of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals responsible for our moods), including dopamine

Complex carbohydrates

The primary source of energy for the brain is glucose. Complex carbohydrates release glucose slowly, helping us feel full longer and providing a steady source of fuel for the brain and body. Healthy sources of complex carbohydrates include whole grains such as whole-wheat products, bulgur, oats, wild rice, barley, beans and soy. Complex carbohydrates, facilitate the entry of tryptophan into the brain, reducing the symptoms of depression and anxiety and improving overall cognitive functioning.

Folate, B Vitamins & Seleniu

Leafy greens such as spinach, romaine, turnip and mustard greens, and broccoli are high in folic acid, as are beets and lentils. Deficiencies in folate as well as other B vitamins have been linked with higher rates of depression, fatigue and insomnia. It is also suggested that low levels of selenium contribute to depression, anxiety and fatigue. Sources of selenium include broccoli, chicken, onions, seafood, walnuts and brazil nuts, and whole-grain products.


The foods we eat are broken down into substances that are used to make neurotransmitters and other chemicals that allow different parts of the nervous system to communicate effectively with each other and the rest of the body. The amino acid tryptophan, a building block of protein, influences mood by producing the neurotransmitter serotonin. Sometimes called nature’s Prozac, serotonin is associated with depression. Lean protein sources, including fish, turkey, chicken, eggs and beans, help keep serotonin levels balanced.








