We're celebrating a record-breaking year, for the amount of financial grants that we were able to give to those who needed our help.

We’ve all heard of the terms stress and anxiety. But what exactly do they mean, and how can we tell the difference between the two?

Stress and anxiety can affect people in different ways, but it's a normal feeling.

Let’s talk about stress and anxiety, what the signs are and what a person might experience. If we recognise the signs early, we can work to try and combat it to prevent it from spiraling further.

If you're feeling under stress, the first step is to talk to someone.

Our helpline is operating reduced hours over the Easter period.

We’re excited to announce that David Pownall has joined the EIC family!

We’re excited to announce that Rexel UK is our new event partner for 2023.

We can give a hand-up to everyone in our industry.

Will you help us reach those in need? Learn how you can get involved.